X ray Astronomy Group



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The X ray Astronomy Group collaborates in the events of the "100 Astronomy Hours" programme in Cantabria, as part of the activities of the International Year of Astronomy (IYA 2009).

Meetings/Seminars/Summer Schools

Job Offers

  • Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Ramón y Cajal, Juan de la Cierva, Technical positions, Torres Quevedo, etc.).
  • 2 temporary fulltime Contracts under Plan Nacional de I+D+i proyect "Participation in the X rays astronomical missions of the European Space Agency (ESA)" (ESP2006-13608-C02-01, P.I.: X. Barcons). For both contracts, people enrolled will be members of the X rays Astronomy Group, which performs studies and developments related to the XEUS spatial mission, selected by ESA inside the Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 programme, in particular in the prototype of the criogenic instrument EURECA which is being built in a European Consortium. Contact: X.Barcons y F.J.Carrera before 15 July 2008.
    • Contract 1:
      REQUIRED Degree: Graduated in Physics, Maths, Chemistry, Engineering, Computer Science, Telecommunication, o similar (after Spanish Ministry approval).
      TASKS TO DO: Coordination data analysis system of the EURECA X rays detector and astrophysical research with ESA X rays missions.
      INCOMES: 32.780 euros (yearly)
      DURATION: Until the end of the proyect ESP2006-13608-C02-01 (September 30, 2009, with a possible extension of 6 months).
    • Contract 2:
      REQUIRED degree: Equivalent to Spanish Titulado medio (Physics, Computer Science, Telecommunication, Engeneering, Chemistry or similar).
      TASKS: Development of computer applications for the analisis of the data of astronomical X ray detectors (EURECA proyect).
      INCOMES: 22.360 yearly euros
      DURATION: One year.
  • Post-doctoral Contract (2 years) to work in the X rays Astronomy Group at IFCA Santander. The applicants will do research activities related to the scientific exploitation of the 2XMM X-ray source catalogue. in collaboration with the group. The raw salary is around 32000 euros per year. Contact Francisco J. Carrera before July 16, 2007.

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Last modified: Tue Apr 14 12:52:40 CEST 2009