WHT AUTOFIB2/WYFFOS run, 25-29 July 2001 Observers: X. Barcons, Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria M.J. Page, MSSL R.S. Warwick Weather: Dusty and with high cloud over the first 3 nights. Last night close to perfect. Observing conditions: Moon getting brighter and setting later every night. In general, observations of Galactic Plane targets (typically brighter objects) were performed over the first half of the night, extragalactic fields observed in the second half of the night. Technical problems: We experienced an unfair share of technical problems which lead to a 50% loss of observing time. Some of the technical problems were apparently triggered by non-diligent daywork. In the observing report we submitted to the observatory we requested 2 nights of payback of these. Other: Mat Page worked around the clock to get the data reduced before leaving. He succeeded in doing so (except for flux calibration) much at the expense of sleeping. Fields Observed: Field name tentative IDs (small variations to this) ============ ============= HD117555 12 UZLIb 1 Ridge3 6 G21AIP 12 EQPeg 15 Cl0016 10 G133pos1 8 MS1229 2 Ridge4 4 PKS2126 4 PKS2135 10 PB5062 4 PHL5200 13