TELESCOPE: WHT INSTRUMENT: ISIS double spectrograph Blue arm: R300B l/mm grating, EEV12 detector, covering 3000A Red arm; R150R l/mm grating, TEK4 detector, covering 3000A Dichroic at 5700 Red blocking filter for red arm at 4950A Slit width was 2" OBSERVERS: Francisco Carrera (IFCA) TECHNICAL REPORT: No technical problems to report. The new UltraDAS system is nicer and readout is much faster WEATHER: There were high wispy clouds at the beginning of the night. We had to close the dome at UT22:00 because the humidity rose to 100%. Dome opened again at UT04:37 but the sky was cloudy, couldn't see an offset star with R~16. Given up at UT05:53. Seeing was about 2.7" at the beginning of the night, improving to about 1.5" by the time we had to close. When the dome was re-opened seeing was about 3". REPORT The strategy was just to try to identify the X-ray brightest targets of a few fields, counting on fibre follow-up later this semester and next semester. Due to the bad weather, after re-opening the dome we just tried to observe the brightest visible objects. G133_038_A 1800s Empty PHL1092_024_A 1800s Good R&B spectra PHL1092_019_A 1800s Empty B21128_051_A 2x600s i~15! B21128_056_A 60s R~11!