TELESCOPE: WHT INSTRUMENT: ISIS double spectrograph Blue arm: R300B l/mm grating, EEV12 detector, covering 3000A Red arm; R150R l/mm grating, TEK4 detector, covering 3000A Dichroic at 5700 Red blocking filter for red arm at 4950A Slit width was 1"-1.5" the first night and 1.5"-2.5" the third night OBSERVERS: Francisco Carrera (IFCA) & Laurent Mirioni (OAS) TECHNICAL REPORT: No technical problems to report WEATHER: Weather was good (perhaps some wispy clouds) the first night until UT03:40, when humidity rose to 100% in 10 minutes and we have to close the dome. Seeing was about 1" at the beginning of the night, worsening to about 1.5" at bout UT02:33. We used a slit of 1" at the beginning of the night, changing to 1.5" after UT02:33. The second night humidity was 100% the whole night The third night humidity started at 100% but went down and we opened the dome at about UT04:25. We had to close it again at ~ut06:20 due to high humidity. Seeing was about 1.6" at the start of observations (UT04:30) degrading rapidly to 2.5" and 4.6" at UT06:14. The fourth night the weather was very good with good transparency. Seeing stayed below 1" most of the night. REPORT We intended to concentrate in finishing up fields, mainly Mkn205 and G133. After those the main priorities were GRB001025 (GP mainly clear counterparts) and EQPeg. In the end we could only "finish" Mkn205, advance in G133, and start Mkn3 and GRB001025. A target report night by night follows: 14/12 G133_010_A 1800s Spectrum detected in R, nothing obvious G133_006_A 1800s AGN z~0.26 Hb, [OIII],[OII] G133_023_A 1200s AGN z~1.7 CIII],CIV,MgII? G133_019_A 2x1800s Object detected in R in first sp, second pair poor. Not much in B G133_101_A 900s AGN z~0.4 Hb,[OIII],[OIII] G133_016_A 1800s Some lines visible G133_034_A 1800s R poor, B empty Mkn3_010_A 2x1800s R~OK, not much in B Mkn3_004_A 2x1800s R,B OK GRB001025_001_A 1800s AGN z~1.24 MgII,CIII],CIV GRB001025_027_A 1600s R,B OK 15/12 Nothing 16/12 Mkn205_109_A 2x1800s R ~O.K., B empty } Both in same exposure PA?.112 Mkn205_109_B 2x1800s R ~O.K., B empty } A closer to center of slit Mkn205_007_A 1800s R ~O.K., B empty 17/12 G133_010_A 1800s Second try, same as before G133_021_A 2x1800s Spectrum faint G133_019_A 1800s Spectrum ~OK G133_034_A 1800s Second try, same as before G133_022_A,B 2x 900s Total spectrum OK G133_035_A 1800s Spectrum OK Mkn3_005_A 1200s Good spectra Mkn3_003_A 600s Good spectra Mkn3_011_A 1800s Spectra OK GRB001025_022_A 600s R spectrum OK, B faint GRB001025_018_A 1800s Spectra good GRB001025_008_A 1800s R spectrum good, B OK GRB001025_036_A 1200s Spectra good GRB001025_032_A 1200s Spectra good GRB001025_066_A 600s Spectra faint 1200s R spectrum good, B faint GRB001025_035_A 1200s R spectrum good, B ~OK Mkn205_110_A 2x1800s Total spectrum good in R, faint in B Mkn205_007_A 2x1800s transmission deteriorating, not much there