NOT ALFOSC run, 22-23 December 2000 Observers: S.Rosen, J. Mittaz, Mullard Space Science Laboratory, UK 22/12/00 -------- Weather: OK for first 20 minutes of the night. First target acquired but no time to obtain a spectrum as humidity rose sharply to 100% and essentially remained there until the end of the night. Observing conditions: Seeing - N/A. Moon - last quarter Technical report: No technical problems. Instrument setup: Low resolution: Grism number 4 (3.3 A/pix) with wavelength range 3500-7000 High resolution: Grism number 7 (1.7 A/pix) with wavelength range 3800-6800 Slit width was 2.5 Bias frames and lamp flats taken. 23/12/00 -------- Weather: Dismal! 100% humidity all night. No target spectra taken.