DATE: 3-4 August 2000 TELESCOPE: WHT INSTRUMENT: ISIS double spectrograph Blue arm: R300B l/mm grating, EEV12 detector, covering 3000A Red arm; R150R l/mm grating, TEK4 detector, covering 3000A Dichroic at 5700 Red blocking filter for red arm at 4950A Slit width was 1" OBSERVERS: Xavier Barcons (IFCA) & Julian Osborne (LU) TECHNICAL REPORT: No techincal problems to report this time. WEATHER: Dust (which settled down the seeing, especially in the second night with <1") and high clouds, especially on the first hours of the first night. In spite of this, we observed the full two nights. REPORT The run went very well. Target acquisition was done very efficiently and no time was lost. Thanks to the contribution of several people we had target lists of candidate counterparts, and nearby bright stars for target acquisition for the following fields: * Mkn205 * G2.05-09 * RT Ser * G133 For the extragalactic fields (Mkn205 & G133), most X-ray sources had in many cases a unique counterpart. For the galactic fields, especially G21, there were various candidates and these were sorted out by Christian Motch in view of the previous fibre spectroscopy. For virtually all the extragalactic fields, the ISIS exposure time was 1800s (except where the target was unusually bright). For the galactic fields, we tried to do our best in adjusting exposure time to magnitude. We repeated some sources on the second night, in view of the first night's data. We concentrated on Mkn205, G21 and G133 fields, given their distribution on the sky.