ID510 XMM source number in 5-10keV catalogue: catP34V.dat ID210 XMM source number in 2-10keV catalogue: catP34H.dat ID source number in Xue+11:Table3 (if >1000 1000+source number in Xue+11:Table6, if ending in E source number in Lehmer+05:Table2, if ending in E and >1000 1000+source number in Lehmer+05:Table6) XCID ID510"_"ID CID Chandra counterpart ID from catP34V.dat RA_X XMM RA from cat... above (deg) Dec_X XMM Dec from cat... above (deg) eRA_X XMM positional error from cat... above (arcsec) RA_C Chandra source RA (deg) Dec_C Chandra source Dec (deg) PosErr Chandra source positional error (arcsec) angDist Distance between XMM and Chandra sources (arcsec) sigDist Distance between XMM and Chandra sources in terms of the combined positional uncertainty reliability Probability of association, independently of other counterparts assocProba Probability of association, taking into account all counterparts to the same XMM source Good initially reliability>=0.9, later checked by eye Signif SNR in XMM 3Ms exposure (5-10keV) DET_ML Likelihood of detection from emldetect EXPOSURE XMM exposure time at RA_X,Dec_X (s) Offax Off-axis angle in the merged XMM image (arcmin) FLUX XMM 5-10keV flux from cat... above (erg cm-2 s-1) FLUX_ERR uncertainty on FLUX (erg cm-2 s-1) FLUX28 XMM 2-8keV flux from FLUX assuming photon index Gamma=1.7 (erg cm-2 s-1) FLUX28_ERR uncertainty on FLUX28 (erg cm-2 s-1) HFlux Chandra 2-8keV flux (erg cm-2 s-1) dCX Distance betwen Chandra Xsou and optical ctpart. (arcsec) zadopt adopted redshift of source from Xue+11 Type source type from Xue+11 MAIN210 source belongs to Main 2-10keV catalogue MAIN510 source belongs to Main 5-10keV catalogue nCCtparts total number of Chandra counterpàrts nGoodCCtparts total number of Good Chandra counterpàd/sigma<=5 and reliability/reliability_max>=0.03) REDSHIFT redshift for Chandra source from catP34V.dat zOABo same as REDSHIFT zCode 0:zOABo&zadopt agree, 1:zOABo defined, zadopt undefined, 2: zadopt defined, zOABo undefined, -1: zOABo,zadopt defined but different zMerge zOABo if defined, else zadopt URLFchart relative URL of html file with pointers to finding charts SpuFlag -1 (don't know), 0 (real), 1 (prob. real), 2 (prob. spurious), 3 (spurious) BlendFlag -1 (don't know), 0 (not blended), 1 (poss. blend), 2 (prob. blend), 3 (blended) zCheck boolean: true if zOABo and zadopt are both defined and are different, or if zadopt is defined but not zOABo IFCAComments Notes on z and Xsou from IFCA FChandra 2-8keV flux from Chandra counterpart within 10arcsec radius circle centered in XMM source position FXMM28 2-8keV XMM flux within 10arcsec radius circle centered in XMM position